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How Jessica Will Help You as a Real Estate Professional              

Jessica is the youngest of 10 siblings (yes 10, it was awesome)! She is also the mom of two girls that she raised together with her husband in Burlington, CT.

Jessica has a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering. She has worked as an engineer for almost 20 years. During this time her focus has been process improvement and customer service; identifying problems, resolved them, and increase customer satisfaction.

Real estate is a process that many times could be a challenge and that’s where her expertise will help you. Jessica is practical, determined, and goal orientated. She will help you to achieve your goals!

What Jessica Enjoy’s in Her Free Time

In her free time, Jessica likes to run. While she has never done long runs before but this year, in which she completed two half marathons, she is hoping she can do her first full marathon next year. Jessica also likes to watch movies and read; this last is mainly because her husband has hundreds of books at home.

Jessica is looking forward to work for you!



Mi nombre es Jessica, soy de Monterrey, Mexico, desde hace 8 años vivo en Burlington, CT con mi esposo y mis dos hijas.

Soy Ingeniero Industrial y he trabajado casi 20 años desempeñandome en mi carrera principalmente en mejora continua y enfoque al cliente, estoy muy emocionada de empezar esta nueva etapa en bienes raices en donde me gustaria mucho poder ayudarte a lograr tus objetivos, haciendo que este proceso de bienes raices sea facil para ti!

En mis tiempos libre me gusta correr, antes no habia hecho carreras largas pero este año complete dos medios maratones, espero que el próximo pueda terminar uno completo por primera vez. Me gusta ver peliculas y leer, la lectura es principalmente porque mi esposo tiene muchos libros en la casa !

Esperando poder trabajar para ti!


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